Sikh History in Australia in English and Punjabi

This book has been translated into Punjabi by Prof. Balwant Singh Dhillon, Nanak Dev Ji University, Amritsar, Punjab, India.
Authors: Len Kenna and Crystal Jordan/2019 Published by Australian Indian Historical Society Inc.
On the 550th Birth Anniversary of SRI GURU NANAK DEV JI Dedicated to the indefatigable spirit of perseverance of Australian Sikh Pioneers who by virtue of their dedication, commitment, honest livelihood, professional skills and services rendered to the people not only won over the hearts of Australian people but were also credited with introducing and establishing the Sikh Religion on the soil of Australia. Description: Over the last thirty-four years or so Len Kenna and Crystal Jordan have travelled across Australia, England and India, researching and collecting information, photographs and material from individuals and private and public collections and have published 15 books on Australian Indian History as well as numerous articles and radio and other interviews.This book examines the Sikh Migrants who migrated to Australia from the 1840's until the start of the Immigration Restriction Act 1901 known as the White Australia Policy. It explains the difficulties that they faced on arriving in Australia, their employment opportunities as well as their religious, social and sporting lives.It also explains how the largest self-funded migration of non-white people to Australia, overcame 19th Century Australian racist attitudes, and became well liked and respected members of the communities in which they lived. Many of these Sikh Migrants returned to India after spending a number of years in Australia, and lived the rest of their lives in financial security, while others lived in Australia until they died, dependent upon the good graces of the many Australian friends they made, to care for the in their old age. Some Sikhs married or lived with white Australian or Aboriginal women who bore them children. As a result of this they developed a family structure and enjoyed the comfort of a stable life.

Title: Private Davy Singh : an ANZAC and a Kurrajong 33rd Battalion WWI
Len Kenna & Crystal Jordan/AIHS 2019.

Title: Cairns Mosque Queensland. Hajji George Fateh Mohammed and
Hajji Imam Abdul Aziz Mohammedby/Len Kenna & Crystal Jordan, AIHS 2016.

Title: Sikh and Hindu Cremations in Australia
Len Kenna & Crystal Jordan/AIHS/2015.
The history of Sikh and Hindu Cremation in Australia and Cremation Grounds set aside for the cremation of Indians who arrived in Australia from the 1880s onwards. This book shows that Cremation was never illegal in Australia and people whose religious practice was to cremate their dead where able to do so. This practice led to the acceptance of cremation as an alternate way of disposing of the dead in Australia.

Title: Punjaub in Australia : Indian place names, Sydney Grandison Watson /Len Kenna & Crystal Jordan/AIHS 2018

Title: Hakim Khan : hawker at Korumburra, Kaniva, Nhill & Melbourne Victoria/Len Kenna & Crystal Jordan/2018

Title: Sion Singh : a Sikh pioneer : Buderim Queensland
Len Kenna & Crystal Jordan/AIHS 2017

Title: Indian snake charmers and the development of antivenom in Australia / Len Kenna & Crystal Jordan, AIHS 2014.

Title: Bud Singh : a sikh pioneer Yerranderie N.S.W. / Len Kenna & Crystal Jordan/AIHS 2014.